609 Fountain Pre 1900


609 Fountain Street Albert Lea MN. Circa Pre-1900

H. A Paine house is a classic example of a Queen Anne Style, the house has irregular massing, a complicated roof with projecting gables at four levels, and employs the use of a variety of materials. An eight-sided tower on the northeast front facade begins at the top of the first story and projects above the roof line. This Old Home is a classic example of a Queen Anne home from the 1800s. In the quality of its design and craftsmanship, it is on par with the Shipman-Greve house in St Paul on Summit Avenue. These two houses are significant on a state level as outstanding examples of the pure Anglo-American Shavian origins of the style. It is a textbook example of Queen Anne as originally conceived by Richard Norman Shaw and the first executed in the United States in Newport’s Watts-Sherman house of 1874 by Henry Hobson Richardson. Like the Shipman-Greve house, however, the architect of the Paine house is unknown and little is known about the original owner, H. A Paine.

This Old Home, which is on the National Register for historic architecture is located in Albert Lea, MN. The photo was taken in 2018. Note, the exact date of construction is unknown, and when this happens, you will often see 1900 listed as the construction date.


Courthouse 1889


304 Grand 1886